Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Shout out to the Grams

So my great grandma (a.k.a Babcia) just turned 104 this weekend. Seriously, she's such a champ. Just a couple of asides about her... She only uses a walker to get around, she's probably still the most lucid person I know (she remembers more about what's going on than I do... But that isn't saying a lot), she still lives in her own apartment, and she cooks 90% of her meals.. No microwave or anything. Another thing that's pretty cool about her is that she drinks a bottle of whiskey a week and swears like a sailor most of the time- and has a wicked sense of humour to boot. She's my icon. I only hope I can be half as awesome as she is when I'm half her age. Plus, she always has some awesome story about her childhood and whatnot... From the time her brother escaped a concentration camp and walked from Russia to Poland, to the time she saved her family when the barn lit on fire. She's literally the coolest person I've ever talked to, and I'm so happy to say she's my grandma. Love ya grams, happy birthday! :)

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