Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Personal post #20

You know what sucks? When you have something you're really looking forward to and then when you go to get it it's gone. Let me just give you a little background on what I'm talking about here. So a couple of days ago I bought one of those packs of ice cream sandwiches from Superstore, and I'm not very good at pacing myself. Like at anything. So anyways I decided to make these babies last cause if I ate all of them in one go I'd be dying on the couch for at least a couple of hours. So I spaced it out nicely and there was ONE left. And I'm not going to lie today was a pretty horrible day, and I was looking forward to that last ice cream sandwich because let's face it, I love food. So as I was saying, all day long as all that crap was coming at me I was just thinking, "at least I'll get that bite of deliciousness at the end of my day!" so finally I came home at 9 and first thing I did was go to the refrigerator, pulled open the door... And no sandwich of deliciousness was there to greet me. I was pissed. I had been banking on that bar and it wasn't there. It turns out Eric my brother (the little pilferer) snuck in last night and ate MY food. I swear to god I almost smacked him. He always does this too! He eats my leftovers from restaurants, or finishes off the tp without replacing it, and just generally screws me over because he finishes off things I was planning on myself. Frustration

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