Saturday, June 16, 2012

Final Thoughts

Favourite Assignment
I really enjoyed the moment piece. I know a lot of people didn't really enjoy it, but it was the closest approximation to what I thought the course was going to be like. I enjoyed how we got to get creative writing an actual story. To be honest though the amount of time we spent on it was a little ridiculous. I probably could have written at least five in the weeks we had to do it. That's the type of writing I like though, where we can go above and beyond and get a little ridiculous with the story. 

Least Favourite Assignment
I'm not sure if it can be called an assignment but I didn't like expressing my opinion on the Kony issue. I didn't like it because I wasn't aware of all of the facts and I felt like I was just putting out another non-sensical idea about an extremely large issue I had no wish in supporting one way or the other. I kind of felt like either way I was jumping on to a bandwagon that I didn't want to be on. 

Friday Reading
For me Friday reading was kind of a double whammy. I had english second period as well and every Friday we would try to read, so by the end of the third period I would start to get bored of my book. That being said I had some awesome books I read this semester, and I'm happy we got to read as much as we did because sometimes I find it hard to find time to fit it in anywhere else. The only thing I didn't like was how it petered out in the end. If we could have kept it up every Friday I would have loved that.

Monday Writing Reflection
I found it hard to get my brain to work enough to come up with responses on the Monday. Having that weekend in between was sometimes hard because I would forget key things I wanted to talk about in my book. The book I read for most of the semester was also pretty challenging so sometimes it took half the class just to figure out what was being talked about enough to formulate an answer on. I enjoyed it though because it gave me a better overall understanding of the book.

I missed the introduction into the class, and for half the semester I didn't even know what it was. It's a cool concept though, but a little bit of a waste of time/trees when almost all of the course is shifting to be online. 

I hated blogging at first. I found it really uncomfortable sharing my ideas in a forum where all of my classmates could see it, and an infinite amount of other potential people. As we went along I started to enjoy watching how other people's blogs progressed, and it gave me a better sense of what I wanted mine to look like. I like how I could compare the good with the bad and judge what I wanted to put on mine accordingly. At the end of it all I'm really proud of my blog, and I like how once I put it up the work couldn't get lost. That's an issue for me.

Before this class I thought twitter was a stupid waste of time. After this class I think twitter is stupid and a waste of time. It was nice being able to connect with you so instantaneously, but the whole concept of it just doesn't appeal to me. No way does anybody want to know what you're doing every two seconds, and no way would I want people knowing that info about me either. After I was FORCED into getting it I started following a couple of people, and lets just say I know more about a lot of people than I cared to. Awesome that you went to a movie, see how much I care. It's like the annoying facebook girl constantly.

Integration of technology in the course 
I was not a fan at first. I guess that was the old teaching mentality talking. I suck at computers and everything to do with them, and it was challenging for me to even set up my blog. Once we got going it opened up a ton of new doors though. I learned way more about my Mac than I ever had before, and I like how instantly I can do things. If I complete a project I don't have to wait until the next day to send it in. It's been an especial help these last couple of days when I've had to do like twenty posts, although I'm not sure Mrs. Mclaughlan is going to be too pleased with the barrage of assignments she'll be getting. 

What I've learned about myself
I'm not as bad at computers as I thought I was. It isn't as challenging and scary when there's someone there to help. I guess I need to open up my mind to new ways of doing things more because a lot of the time I would think a project was stupid when we first started and would end up liking it. I also need to work on my procrastinating, but I already knew that. Overall I think I'm a pretty creative person, and I know that my writing has gotten a lot stronger through personal posts and that.

Comments/compliments for Ms. McLauchlan
Overall I thought there were some pretty cool things going on it the course. If we could have done more stories or fairy tales I would have enjoyed that more because for a creative writing class I found we didn't do a lot of creative writing- other than if we added it into our personal posts. Overall it was a different type of experience, and I think your attitude towards it was positive enough to get most people onboard. 

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