Monday, April 30, 2012

Reading response #5

So I started to read "The Old Man and the Sea" by Earnest Hemingway the other day, but I've only gotten through 16 pages so far. I can kind of relate to it so far because it's set in Cuba, and I was there last month! I actually bought it while I was there which makes it a little more interesting. There was one quote that I read that's stuck with me.. It read "Everything about him was old except his eyes and they were the same color as the sea and were cheerful and undefeated." I really like this quote because I love how descriptive it is. I can picture an old wrinkly fisherman with smiling blue eyes that smells like the sea. Also, when I read this passage I was on a bus bench in Cuba and there was an old fisherman beside me and I noticed the irony of it which made it more special than I think it might have been otherwise, but I'm happy it happened that way. I also really enjoy the way that it's written- how blunt and straightforward the writing technique is. As I understand Hemingway helped change the way sentences were structured after his writing came out, and I'm a fan of it. I think it's straightforward as well as descriptive and beautiful which is rare. As for the content of the book I haven't gotten far enough along to judge how I'm going to like the story, but I like Santiago so far. I like how optimistic he is even though he hasn't caught fish in almost 3 months, and how he still goes out everyday. Maybe it's just because it's the only thing he knows, and e needs to make money to live, but I like how he never complains about his luck and is always hopeful that the next day will be better.

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