Wednesday, March 14, 2012

"Poking the Puddle" Response

So we were asked by our teacher to share our thoughts on this new sensation going around the internet relating to the Kony campaign. I'm not they type of person who makes assumptions quickly because I like to take my time researching an issue and deciding my point of view before going around and spreading false information. At this point in time I'm still undecided as to how I feel about Kony specifically because from the research I've done and the sites I've visited both in favour of the video and against it I think there's a lot of propaganda and lies circulating. My conclusion as of right now is that a lot of what was in the video was somewhat dated information trying to get people interested in their cause. It was a half hour clip that showed nothing of Kony's background or what has been going on in the last couple of years with the LRA and Uganda. Mostly it used people's compassion to make them interested in the Invisible Children's cause and to want to help us support them. That being said I think the message they're trying to convey is a good one. As a society that has such an excess of wealth and justice I think it's our responsibility to help out other countries that aren't as fortunate as ourselves. Often I feel like there's nothing I can do to help but I like how this video provided us with an answer to that dilemma, and I feel that donating 30 dollars and a couple hours of my time is not going to be the end of the world. My only addition is that the money I spend may go towards a more legitimate organization like UNICEF or Red Cross. I'm more interested in seeing that the victims of Kony are getting the help they need to recover.

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